Ausstellung Tornio Nordic-Dog-Show (SF) 20.07.2024

King of Helluland Belmondo

Katalognr: 1
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: PU1, SA, Nordic-SERT, BOB
Bericht: 4 years. Masculine. Very nice breed type. Masculine head. Very nice skull. Correct stop. Typical eye color. Small teeth. Lovely fore chest. Good bone. Okey feet. Very typical neckline. Broad thighs. Correct body proportions. Very nice side gait with reach and drive. The coat condition is not 100 precent. Lovely temperament. Standing he is totally balanced.

Ohois U Got The Look

Katalognr: 2
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: PN1, SA, Nordic-SERT, BOS
Bericht: 7,5 years. Really lovely quality. Feminine. Well balanced. Very feminine in head. Mild expression. Good neck, bone and body. Moves well in all directions. Correct coat texture. Lovely temperament.

Flying Tails My Firesoul

Katalognr: 3
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Zwischen
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: PN2, SA, Nordic-SERT-R
Bericht: 18 months. Very nice breed type. Feminine. Feminine head. Correct stop. Mild expression. A little uneven in bite but acceptable. Medium neck. Good bone and feet. Quite nice topline. Moves with reach and drive, but needs to stabilize a bit. Standing very well on her feet, gives a very nice silhouette when standing. Still young, but has lovely breed type and correct proportions.

Cismes Essence Unreal

Katalognr: 4
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: PU2, SA, Nordic-SERT-R
Bericht: 4 years. Lovely breed type. Well balanced male. No exaggeration. Good skull. Well placed eyes. Medium eye color. Typical muzzle. Quite small teeth. Good neck. Good bone. Well bodied. Well set tail. Summer coat, correct texture. Moves well going around, okey in front. Very typical temperament. Well handled.

Lasydogs Tiburtius Björnen Väknar

Katalognr: 5
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Anwartschaft: PU3, SA, SERT
Bericht: 2 years. Strong male. Masculine. Nice proportions. Good size. Very nice muscular condition. Well-shaped skull. Correct stop. Medium eye color. Typical bite. Good bone and feet. Strong neck. Well angulated. Nice topline. Correct coat texture. Moves well when he concentrates. Tail carried a little high. Superb temperament.

Black Tower Thunder Storm

Katalognr: 6
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Bericht: 14 months. Strong junior. Masculine. Still developing. Masculine head. Ok bite. Well-shaped skull. Well set ears. A little light in eye. Good bone and feet. Just enough angulations in front. Still developing in hind quarters. Nice topline. Needs to fill out in loin. Summer coat. Very nice color for age. Very typical side gait. Correct tail carriage. Very friendly temperament. Still needs a little time.

Black Tower Turbo Lover

Katalognr: 7
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Bericht: 14 months. Very nice muscular condition. Masculine head, still developing. Correct bite and broad underjaw. Well-shaped skull. Maximum length of muzzle. correct stop. Good bone. Nice feet. Would like a little better hind quarters. Nice topline. Okey croup. Summer coat. Still a little uneven in color. Lovely temperament. Moves well going around, still little unstable in front.

Fullmoon Diamonds Quiske

Katalognr: 8
Bewertung: SG1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Bericht: 4,5 years. Feminine. Too low on her legs. Would like little more quality in her head. Correct bite. Pleasing eye color. Quite good skull. Medium bone. Okey feet. Just a little short in neck. Over angulated behind. Correct coat texture, quite nice color. Correct tail carriage. Would like a little more typical movement. Very nice temperament.

Charmifarmin Lord Arthur

Katalognr: 9
Bewertung: disqualifiziert
Klasse: Zwischen
Richter: Arne Foss (N)
Bericht: 22 months. Masculine. Nice size and type. Masculine head, too lippy. Bit light and loose in eye. Good bone. Pasterns not correct. Good neck, topline. Broad thighs. Tail carriage not typical, between the legs. Correct coat texture. Not moving well behind, loose in front. Nott acceptable temperament for this breed. This breed should be the most friendly in the world. He was showing that he should not be touched by the judge.